
Landbot is a tool to create Conversational Experiences that live on a website. Build your own in minutes without coding and engage more.

Integration & Dashboard Templates

Save hours on creating Automations and Dashboards from scratch with 100s of professionally designed templates.

Triggers, Searches and Actions

Easyflow connects simply and security to your chosen app so you can unlock powerful capabilities by:

Webhook (Trigger)

Receive instant data

List Customers (Search)

Lists customers

Get a Customer (Action)

Returns customers details by ID

Get a Channel (Search)

Returns channel information by ID

Add a Custom Field (Action)

Add custom field value to the customers profile

Assign A Customer to the Bot (Action)

Assign a customer to the bot

Assign a Customer to the Agent (Action)

Assign a customer to the agent

Update a Custom Field (Action)

Updates a custom field

Connect to

1000+ Apps and Services

Explore tons of pre-built templates

Start automating common business processes immediately with tons of prebuilt templates.
You can use them as they are or customize them to suit your needs

Triggers, Searches, Filters, and Actions

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Available Datasets

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Ready to start automating?

Getting started with Easyflow is simple, secure and there's no installation required.

1. Choose your apps

Select and authorize the apps you want to sync.

2. Connect

Hundreds of prebuilt templates

3. Let it start!

Set it and forget it, Easyflow will take over from here!